in Paris, I stay in an apartment where the large pendulum of the old standing clock has a particular loud beat and the clock would chime out the hours not once but twice, hour upon hour!...sometimes it truly drove me mad!!
but this little "JAZ" alarm clock has a sweet little tick-tocking...and is in good working condition...[on the back cover, the previous owner has scratched a series of faint numbers, perhaps to secret bank accounts??]

"JAZ" trademark and "MADE IN FRANCE" printed on the face;
pre-1960's; found at the Porte-de-Vanves flea market;
6 cm round; "bronzy" metal

Monsieur L found this cool old metal padlock with key but he doesn't remember from which brocante or flea market...
"CERES" brand name and "VF PARIS" etched on the lock cover, which is hinged to slide open for the key;
pre-1950's; in good working condition;
7 cm x 6 cm [+ 4.5] x 1.5 cm