Ahh!...the omnipresent Eiffel Tower! So many have come and gone from my life, and I have but just these 3 left that are not made yesterday! Tiny they may be but so full of sentimental value that my heart will break a little when they leave me again for new homes!
[8 cm high / 9 cm x 7 cm wide base]
[11.5 cm high x 4.5 cm wide at base]

[13 cm high x 6 cm wide base]
*My most recent find from a village vide-grenier in Brittany where the old couple selling it have had it for over 50 years...probably a souvenir from their honeymoon to Paris!

pre-1960's, stamped "COLIMEX" below the shell
[9.5 cm long x 3 cm high x 5 cm at widest]
*I believe COLIMEX was a cosmetology/pharmacology company (I did google it), but I am not sure what the lovely snail had to do with their products! It was probably a promotional gift that had once held something else, perhaps a pen, in the holder attached to behind the shell. [I have never seen another one like it!]
I found it at a brocante in Paris many years ago and have become quite attached to its very symbolic frenchness!!